Combat Pistol Techniques
Combat Pistol Techniques
printable pdf
2 Days

Goals and Objectives:

At the completion of this training, the students will be versed in the following subjects allowing them to safely and successfully utilize their department-issued semi-automatic firearm.

Shooting and Moving and Shooting
Proper Shooting Position
Weapon Operations Under Stress
Multiple Target Engagements
Fundamentals and Manipulations
Use of Cover and Concealment
Cognitive Decision-Making
Support Side Weapon Manipulation
Extreme CQB Fighting 
Flashlight Manipulation
From the Holster

Necessary Equipment:

Duty handgun, 800 rounds ammunition, duty rig with holster and magazine pouches, 3 handgun magazines (4 if using single stack .45 magazines), common patrol or tactical equipment, including vest (w/ plates, helmet), knee and elbow pads, suitable clothing for all weather conditions, handheld flashlight, wrap-around eye protection (clear lenses for low light operation), ear protection, gloves, snacks, water, sunblock, and insect repellent. Off-duty, everyday carry holster with off-duty pistol for concealment coverage.